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Gauguin&Polynesia-SAM 1.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
Gauguin & Polynesia: An ElusiveParadiseSeattle Art Museum presents the only United States stop for Gauguin& Polynesia: An Elusive Paradise, a landmark show highlightingthe complex relationship between Paul Gauguin's work and the artand culture of Polynesia. The exhibition, on view at SAM DowntownFebruary 9 through April 29, 2012, includes about 60 of Gauguin'sbrilliantly hued paintings, sculptures and works on paper, whichare displayed alongside 60 major examples of Polynesian sculpturethat fueled his search for the exotic. Organized by the Art CentreBasel, the show is comprised of works on loan from some of theworld's most prestigious museums and private collections.This application includes interviews with SAM curators and Gauguinand Polynesian art historian scholars, cultural insights and musicfrom a Tahitian drumming company, as well as images of selectedartworks from the exhibition.Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the guide anyway you wish.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NY 1.0
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Tour, New York CityThe Story of America’s Parish Church: St. Patrick’sCathedralSt. Patrick’s Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Archdioceseof New York and the seat of its Archbishop located on Fifth Avenuein heart of New York City. Built by contributions large and small,it remains emblematic of the ascendance of religious freedom in theNew World. As such, this international landmark is a beacon of hopefor those who share the Catholic faith and a source of inspirationto the more than five million visitors of every religiousdenomination welcomed here each year.Take a tour around this world-renowned Catholic Cathedral inmidtown Manhattan. The over 150-year history of this beautifulgothic structure is filled with stories of the rich and famous aswell as the average New Yorker and visitor from around the world.Still a vibrant parish community the Cathedral serves countlessworshippers each year. Learn about the place, people, faith,tradition and structure of this New York treasure. You may just beinspired to become a cathedral builder yourself.This app features three versions of the tour: adult, childrenand Spanish.Category views, numeric keypad entry, map and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Chagall-The Jewish Museum, NY 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Chagall: Love, War, and ExileChagall: Love, War, and Exile, for the first time in the U.S.,explores artwork from the 1930s and 1940s by Marc Chagall(1887-1985), one of the foremost modernist of the 20th century.This was a significant but lesser-known period which Chagall spentin France and then in exile in New York due to World War II.Chagall invented his own syncretic style, drawing on elements ofRussian Christian icons, Cubism, Surrealism, as well as folktradition and Fauvist color, maintaining this independenceconsistently throughout his career.Beginning with the evocative paintings from his years in France,the exhibition illuminates an artist deeply responsive to thesuffering inflicted by war and to his own personal losses andintimate sorrows. In the late 1940s Chagall returns to colorful,joy-filled work celebrating love. The exhibition includes 30paintings and 24 works on paper, as well as selected letters,poems, photos, and ephemera.This application includes audio that features interviews withexhibition curator Susan Goodman, Chagall’s granddaughter and arthistorian Bella Meyer, and Professor of Art History at New YorkUniversity Kenneth Silver. Seventeen selected images from theexhibition are also included.Chagall: Love, War, and ExileThe Jewish Museum, New York1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128September 15, 2013 – February 2, 2014Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
The Hunger Games Experience
Acoustiguide Inc.
Immerse yourself in the world of the blockbuster Hunger Gamesfranchise.
Chicago History Museum 1.2.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enhance your visit to the Chicago History Museum with an audioexperience. Our app includes five tours, two of which are availablein Spanish, as well as rotating selections for temporaryexhibitions. Devices preloaded with the tours are included withgeneral admission and always free for members. Choose from threetours of our permanent exhibition Chicago: Crossroads of America, amust-see for anyone interested in stories about Chicago’s rise as amodern global city. • Crossroads narrated by the Second City Joinactor Antoine McKay for a journey through the city’s history andmeet a range of characters—some famous, some fictional. Members ofChicago’s legendary comedy troupe worked with Museum staff todevelop this lively, one-of-a-kind audio tour. 45 minutes,available in English and Spanish • Crossroads Authored ExploreChicago’s evolution as a city from its great literary traditions.Listen to works by a dozen beloved authors, including TheodoreDreiser, Lorraine Hansberry, and Studs Terkel. See the city’shistory through their eyes on a journey to the lavish displaywindows at Marshall Field’s in 1889, the South Side of the 1950s,and a steel mill in the 1970s, among other places. This tour addsnew perspectives to the stories presented in the Crossroadsexhibition. 40 minutes • In Our Own Words Written and performed byLake View High School students, In Our Own Words features originalinterviews, period music, dialog, and dramatic readings related tostories about the Great Fire, Gangland Chicago, jazz and blues, the1968 Democratic National Convention, and the development of theatomic bomb. 40 minutes Explore other Museum galleries with theseaudio experiences. • Chicago Authored Writers have renderedChicago’s reputation—good and bad—and its self-image. Explorenineteen excerpts from contemporary authors and literary giants ofthe past. Consider the city from four perspectives: take in abird’s-eye view, visit homes and communities, peek through akeyhole, and reflect on what it means to be a Chicagoan. Thisexperience invites you to skip around, listening to tracks thatcatch your interest. Pause at any time to explore the gallery,browse through a book, or grab a cup of coffee in our café. 60minutes • Facing Freedom in America How have Americans definedfreedom, and what happens when rights are given, fought over,denied, or gained? This gallery examines how conflicts over freedomhave shaped the United States. Explore eight familiar andnot-so-familiar stories dating from the 1850s to the 1970s. Throughartifacts, audio clips, videos, and activities, each conflict ispresented from the perspectives of those who lived it. xx minutes,available in English and Spanish
New York’s Photo League-TJM-NY 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
In 1936 a group of young, idealistic photographers, most of themJewish, first-generation Americans, formed an organization inManhattan called the Photo League. Their solidarity centered on abelief in the expressive power of the documentary photograph and ona progressive alliance in the 1930s of socialist ideas and art.Members rejected the prevailing style of modernism in order toengage the gritty realities of urban life. Leaguers focused on NewYork, and this meant looking closely at ordinary people.Featuring works by celebrated League photographers, includingBerenice Abbott, Sid Grossman, Lisette Model, and Weegee, TheRadical Camera: New York's Photo League, 1936-1951 takes anin-depth look at the League's accomplishments from the end of theGreat Depression to the start of the Cold War. By its demise in1951, the League had propelled documentary photography from factualimages to more challenging ones--from bearing witness toquestioning one’s own bearings in the world.This application includes images of selected artworks from theexhibition and audio featuring interviews with the exhibition’sco-curators, Mason Klein (Curator, The Jewish Museum) and CatherineEvans (Curator, Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio), as well as MauriceBerger (Research Professor and Chief Curator, Center for Art,Design and Visual Culture, University of Maryland Baltimore County)and Rebecca Shaykin (Curatorial Assistant, The Jewish Museum).The Radical Camera: New York's Photo League, 1936-1951 is onview at these venues as follows:The Jewish Museum1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128November 4, 2011 - March 25, 2012Columbus Museum of Art480 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215April 19 - September 9, 2012Contemporary Jewish Museum736 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103October 11, 2012 - January 21, 2013Norton Museum of Art1451 South Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401February 9 - April 21, 2013Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Adirondack Museum Audio Tour 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Adirondack Museum Audio TourLet the Adirondack Museum’s terrific new audio tour guide you toa deeper understanding of what makes the Adirondacks unique. Thevoices of real people who live in the Adirondacks today will giveyou fresh perspectives on the museum’s authentic exhibitions andits breathtakingly beautiful surroundings.Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Spiegelman - The Jewish Museum 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Art Spiegelman’s Co-Mix: A Retrospectivecelebrates the career of one of the most influential living comicsartists. Best known for Maus, his Pulitzer prize-winning graphicnovel about his parents' survival of the Holocaust, Art Spiegelman(b. 1948) has produced a diverse body of work over the course offive decades that has blurred the boundaries between high and lowculture. This first U.S. retrospective spans Spiegelman’s career:from his early days in underground comix to the thirteen-yeargenesis of Maus, to more recent work including his provocativecovers for The New Yorker, and artistic collaborations in new andunexpected media. The exhibition highlights Spiegelman’spainstaking creative process, and includes over three hundredpreparatory sketches, preliminary and final drawings, as well asprints and other ephemeral and documentary material.This application includes audio that features interviews with theartist, as well as Françoise Mouly, Art Editor at The New Yorkermagazine, Editorial Director of Toon Books, and Art Spiegelman’swife and collaborator; Emily Casden, Curatorial Assistant at TheJewish Museum; graphic novelist and cartoonist Chris Ware; andHillary Chute, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of English atthe University Chicago, and Associate Editor of Spiegelman’s bookMetaMaus.Art’s Spiegelman’s Co-Mix: A RetrospectiveThe Jewish Museum, New York1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128November 8, 2013 – March 23, 2014List view, numeric keypad entry and the keyword search functionenable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Heinrich Kuehn-Neue Galerie NY 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: AlfredStieglitz and Edward SteichenThis is the first New York museum show to focus on HeinrichKuehn (1866-1944), an often overlooked but central figure inturn-of-the-century art circles, whose photographs were exhibitedat the Vienna Secession. Born into a wealthy family in Dresden,Kuehn was a member of Vienna’s Camera Club and strove to elevatephotography to an art form.Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: Alfred Stieglitz andEdward Steichen features over 100 photographs by Kuehn and alsoworks by Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) and Edward Steichen(1879-1973). Under the influence of the American photographers,Kuehn shifted from making large landscapes taken under dramaticlighting conditions and focused more on scenes of daily life shotunder normal light. He also began creating intimate studio andopen-air studies of family and close friends, frequentlyphotographed using clothes especially made for these occasions.This application includes audio that features interviews withthe exhibition’s curator, Monika Faber, director of thePhotoinstitut Bonartes, and commentary from the director of theNeue Galerie New York, Renée Price.Heinrich Kuehn and His American Circle: Alfred Stieglitz andEdward Steichenis on view at this venue as follows:Neue Galerie New York1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York, NY 10028April 26 – August 27, 2012Category views, numeric keypad entry, and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour any way you wish.
NG NY: Russian Modernism 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
"""Russian Modernism: Cross-Currents of Germanand Russian Art, 1907-1917"" is the first major museum exhibitionin the United States devoted to modern figurative art created byartists from Russia and Germany during the early 20th century. Theexhibition examines the radical modernist movements in in bothcountries, focusing on the activities of the German Expressionistgroups Brücke (Bridge) and the Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider), and theirRussian counterparts. The development of these groups was paralleland often intersected.Russian and German modern artists shared an interest in thedirectness and simplicity of urban and rural folk traditions.Common subjects are peasants and workers, scenes from the cabaretand circus, and urban life juxtaposed with the urban metropolis.While Russian artists looked inward at forms of popular culture,and drew inspiration from France, German artists were inspired bytheir engagement with ethnographic arts.Approximately 90 works are on display and the exhibition isdivided into six thematic groupings: Urban Scenes; Still-Lifes;Landscapes; Nudes; Portraits; and Abstraction. This applicationfeatures audio interviews with the exhibition’s curator, Dr.Konstantin Akinsha, and commentary from the director of the NeueGalerie New York, Renée Price.""Russian Modernism: Cross-Currents of German and Russian Art,1907-1917""is on view at:Neue Galerie New York1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York, NY 10028May 14, 2015 – August, 31, 2015"
Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel Tour 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Welcome to “Art of Blu,” an exploration of theart work featured in the acclaimed Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel,Chicago. Throughout the tour, listeners will have the uniqueopportunity to learn about the architecture of the Aqua Tower fromvisionary architect and MacArthur Fellow Jeanne Gang; ScottishInterior Designer Jim Hamilton shares his inspirations for thelobby design of the hotel; Arthor Richard Cahan shares the mysterybehind Vivian Maier and her photography, which are featured in thehotel lobby; and much more.
Galveston Historic Hotels 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Hotel Galvez & Spa, Queen of the Gulf:This 25-minute tour tells the rich history of Galveston and how themajestic Hotel Galvez has shared in the island’s journey. Listenerswill enjoy a personal trip through memorable tales of not only thecity, but the hotel’s role in legendary events. Details on thearchitecture, history and restoration of the hotel are shared;along with insight into the dedication of the hotel’s currentowners and the future preservation of this National treasure. Thisapplication offers compelling narrative complete with historicphotos of Galveston and the hotel.Hotel Galvez and Its Ghosts: This 20-minute tour shares thestory of “The Ghost Bride,” (our most famous long-term guest), aswell as lesser known tales and first-hand accounts of staff andvisitors. This audio guide is the ideal prologue to some of ourmore enduring guests and stories are told in light-hearted yetintriguing way guaranteed to hold the interest of the believer andskeptic alike. This application offers playful narrative, historicimages of the hotel, and a few treasured photos submitted by guestsover the years.Scrollable images, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access each tour anyway you wish.
Egon Schiele: Portraits 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
"Egon Schiele: Portraits" is the first majormuseum exhibition in the United States dedicated to the portraitureof this Austrian Expressionist artist. Despite a career that lastedless than a decade, Schiele is considered one of the most importantartists of the twentieth century. A protégé of Gustav Klimt,Schiele is celebrated for his singular style of draftsmanship,unusual use of color, and unnerving depictions of his sitters.Schiele's expressive style and controversial subject matter playedan important role in the advancement of modernism in Europe.This exhibition is divided into six groupings of the artist'swork: Family and Academy; Fellow Artists; Sitters and Patrons;Eros; Lovers; and Self-Portraits and Allegorical Self-Portraits. Inaddition, there is a section highlighting the traumatic and pivotalperiod in Schiele's life: his arrest and imprisonment in the springof 1912.This application features audio interviews with the exhibition’scurator, Dr. Alessandra Comini, and commentary from the director ofthe Neue Galerie New York, Renée Price.Egon Schiele: Portraitsis on view at:Neue Galerie New York1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York, NY 10028October 9, 2014-April 20, 2015
Looking East Tour 1.1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enjoy an audio tour of “Looking East: HowJapan Inspired Monet, Van Gogh, and Other Western Artists” (on viewat the Asian Art Museum from October 30, 2015 through February 7,2016). Renowned scholar Gabriel Weisberg, and curators from theMuseum of Fine Arts, Boston, Helen Burnham, Sarah Thompson, ThomasMichie, and Anne Nishimura Morse, will be your personal guides.The exhibition consists of more than 170 objects from the Museumof Fine Arts, Boston, including decorative arts, paintings, prints,drawings and textiles. Juxtaposing Western masterpieces with rareworks by prominent Japanese artists, “Looking East” reveals therenewed vision and stylistic ingenuity that emerged during thisinvigorating cross-cultural moment.Take control of your exhibition experience by using the appto:• Access exclusive content• Gain insight from leading scholars on more than 25 notableartworks• Locate an object by inputting the stop number, keyword search, orbrowse the full list• Live Tweet your museum experience or share the highlights onsocial mediaAbout the MuseumThe Asian Art Museum–Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art andCulture is one of San Francisco's premier arts institutions andhome to a world-renowned collection of more than 18,000 Asian arttreasures spanning 6,000 years of history. Through rich artexperiences, centered on historic and contemporary artworks, theAsian Art Museum unlocks the past for visitors, bringing art tolife and serving as a catalyst for new art, new creativity and newthinking.
Roads of Arabia Tour 1.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enjoy a multimedia tour of Roads of Arabia:Archaeology and History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with themuseum’s curators as your personal guides. Dany Chan, AssistantCurator for Exhibition Projects and Qamar Adamjee, AssociateCurator of South Asian Art, will lead your exploration of theregion and the people who lived, traded, traveled and worshipped inthis important cultural crossroads.Roads of Arabia (on view exclusively at the Asian Art Museum fromOctober 24, 2014 to January 18, 2015) features artworks—most ofthem recently excavated—that trace historic trade routes andpilgrimage roads stretching from Yemen in the south to Iraq andMediterranean cultures in the north. Colossal human statues,Greco-Roman bronzes, gold jewelry and pages from early Qur'anstestify to a lively mercantile and cultural exchange that occurredbetween Arabia and its diverse neighbors.Use the app to unearth the secrets of the items on display anddiscover the complex history of the Arabian Peninsula. You’ll alsolearn the significance of the groundbreaking finds featured, aswell as the mysteries and important questions that still surroundthem.Take control of your exhibition experience by using the app to:• Access exclusive content• Locate an object by inputting the stop number, keyword search orbrowse through a listing• Live Tweet your museum experience or share the highlights onsocial mediaAbout the MuseumThe Asian Art Museum–Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art andCulture is one of San Francisco's premier arts institutions andhome to a world-renowned collection of more than 18,000 Asian arttreasures spanning 6,000 years of history. Through rich artexperiences, centered on historic and contemporary artworks, theAsian Art Museum unlocks the past for visitors, bringing art tolife and serving as a catalyst for new art, new creativity and newthinking.
Helena Rubinstein 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Helena Rubinstein: Beauty Is Power, the firstmuseum exhibition to explore the ideas, innovations, and enduringinfluence of the legendary cosmetics entrepreneur Helena Rubinstein(1872-1965). By the time of her death, Rubinstein had risen fromhumble origins in small-town Jewish Poland to become a globalicon—the head of a cosmetics empire extending across fourcontinents. She was the first modern self-made woman magnate, anavatar of female entrepreneurship, and a tastemaker in the worldsof art, fashion, and design. On view through March 22, 2015, theexhibition will explore how Rubinstein—as a businesswoman, artspatron, and one of the leading collectors of African and Oceanicart of her time—helped break down the status quo of taste byblurring boundaries between commerce, art, fashion, beauty, anddesign. Through works of art, photographs, and ephemera, HelenaRubinstein: Beauty Is Power reveals how Rubinstein’s unique styleand pioneering approaches to business challenged conservative tasteand heralded a modern notion of beauty, democratized and accessibleto all. The exhibition will reunite selections from Rubinstein’sfamed art collection, dispersed in 1966, featuring works by PabloPicasso, Henri Matisse, Elie Nadelman, and Joan Miró, among others,as well as over thirty works from her peerless collection ofAfrican and Oceanic art – one of the most important privatecollections ever assembled. Other highlights include Madame’s (asshe was universally called) beloved miniature period rooms,jewelry, and clothing designed by Cristóbal Balenciaga, ElsaSchiaparelli, and Paul Poiret. Rubinstein’s savvy forself-promotion will on view via portraits she commissioned fromleading artists of her time, from Marie Laurencin to Andy Warhol.Also on display will be advertisements, cosmetics products, andpromotional materials related to her beauty business.
Lauder Collection-Neue Galerie 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
The Ronald S. Lauder Collection: Selectionsfrom the 3rd Century BC to the 20th Century/Germany, Austria, andFranceThe Ronald S. Lauder Collection: Selections from the 3rd Century BCto the 20th Century/Germany, Austria, and France encompasses abroad range of masterworks. The exhibition focuses on six areas:medieval art, arms and armor, Old Master paintings, 19th and 20thcentury drawings, fine and decorative art of Vienna 1900, andmodern and contemporary art. Among the artists represented areJoseph Beuys, Constantin Brancusi, Paul Cézanne, Vasily Kandinsky,Anselm Kiefer, Gustav Klimt, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, andGerhard Richter.This application consists of an audio tour of the Ronald S. LauderCollection, presented by Ronald Lauder, the museum’s co-founder andpresident. He shares his insights and visions in creating one ofthe finest private art collections in the world, spanning from the3rd century BC to the 20th century.The Ronald S. Lauder Collection: Selections from the 3rd CenturyBC to the 20th Century/Germany, Austria, and France is on view atthis venue as follows:Neue Galerie New York1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York, NY 10028October 27, 2011 – April 2, 2012Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keyword searchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Kimbell 1.6.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
The Kimbell Art Museum
The Barnes Foundation 1.0.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Celebrated for its exceptional breadth, depth,and quality, the Barnes Foundation's art collection includes worksby some of the greatest European and American masters ofimpressionism, post-impressionism, and early modern art, as well asAfrican sculpture, Pennsylvania German decorative arts, NativeAmerican textiles, metalwork, and more.Founder Albert C. Barnes arranged and rearranged his collectionsin “ensembles,” distinctive wall compositions organized accordingto formal principles of light, line, color, and space, rather thanby chronology, nationality, style, or genre. The ensembles changedas Barnes made acquisitions and new aesthetic connections betweenthe works. Integrating art and craft, and objects from acrosscultures and periods, Barnes sought to demonstrate the continuityof artistic traditions and the universalism of humanexpression.This application explores individual works as well as theensembles and includes interviews with curators and scholars at theBarnes Foundation and elsewhere. A family tour encourages childrenand their families to interact by considering the ways in which theobjects in the ensembles relate to one another; the role of play orleisure in various objects; and the interaction of music and visualart.Objects and ensembles by room, numeric keypad entry, and keywordsearch function enable you to access the guide anyway you wish.
Koloman Moser-Neue Galerie NY 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
This is the first major American museum showtofocus on the decorative arts of the Austrian artist KolomanMoser(1868-1918), an often overlooked but central figureinturn-of-the-century art circles, whose works were exhibited attheVienna Secession. Born in Vienna, Moser began studying art in1885at age seventeen. He quickly demonstrated a facility forthegraphic arts and initially worked as a commercial illustratorformagazines, newspapers, and book publishers.Koloman Moser: Designing Modern Vienna, 1897-1907, featuresovertwo hundred works by Moser, including his early designs fortheVienna Secession and the iconic decorative arts pieces hecreatedwhile a member of the Wiener Werkstätte or Vienna Workshops.Moserdesigned both exhibitions and graphic material for theViennaSecession and worked closely alongside other leading artistsof theperiod, such as architect Josef Hoffmann and the painterGustavKlimt. The show spans the entirety of Moser's decorativeartscareer, which is illustrated through important interiordesigncommissions, graphic work and rare preparatory drawings, aswell asimportant examples of his ceramics, furniture, glass,jewelry,metalwork, and textiles.This application features audio interviews with theexhibition’scurator, Dr. Christian Witt-Dörring, and commentaryfrom theDirector of the Neue Galerie New York, Renée Price.Koloman Moser: Designing Modern Vienna, 1897-1907is on view at these venues as follows:Neue Galerie New York1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York, NY 10028May 23 – September 2, 2013Museum of Fine Arts, HoustonSeptember 29, 2013 – January 12, 2014Category views, numeric keypad entry and the keywordsearchfunction enable you to access the tour anyway you wish.
Habsburg Splendor 1.0
This audio guide app accompanies theexhibitionHabsburg Splendor: Masterpiecs from Vienna's ImperialCollections atthe HIgh Museum of Art, Atlanta. The exhibitionbrings masterworksamassed by one of the longest-reigning Europeandynasties toAtlanta. The exhibition showcases masterpieces andrare objects fromthe collection of the Habsburg Dynasty – theemperors of the HolyRoman Empire as well as many other superpowersof Europe whocommissioned extraordinary artworks now in thecollection of theKunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. HabsburgSplendor, largelycomposed of works that have never traveledoutside of Austria,explores the dramatic rise and fall of theHabsburgs' global empire,from their political ascendance in thelate Middle Ages to theheight of their power in the 16th and 17thcenturies, the expansionof the dynasty in the 18th and 19thcenturies to its decline in 1918at the end of World War I.
Asian Art Museum Spring 2016 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enjoy an audio tour featuring threespecialexhibitions on view at the Asian Art Museum of San Franciscoduringthe spring of 2016: "Pearls on a String: Artists, Patrons,andPoets at the Great Islamic Courts;" "Hidden Gold: MiningItsMeaning in Asian Art;" and "China at the Center: Rare RicciandVerbiest World Maps." Museum curators Qamar Adamjee,JeffreyDurham, and Natasha Reichle will be your personal guides.The tour begins with "Pearls on a String," which asks,“Who’sbehind the art?” Go on a journey spanning the 16th through18thcenturies to discover a writer, painter and patron inthecosmopolitan Islamic world––through the striking artworkstheycreated and inspired. Moving on to power, wealth, immortality .. .unearth the significance of gold in art across the diverseculturesof Asia with "Hidden Gold," just in time to celebrate themuseum’sgolden anniversary. Finally, "China at the Center"showcases tworare 17th-century maps––early collaborations betweenJesuit priestsand Chinese scholars––that reveal what mapmakers knewof the worldand what they imagined.Use this app to:• Access exclusive content• Gain insight from leading scholars• Locate an object by inputting the stop number, keyword search,orbrowse the full list• Share your favorite highlights on social mediaAbout the MuseumThe Asian Art Museum is one of San Francisco's premierartsinstitutions and home to a world-renowned collection of morethan18,000 Asian art treasures spanning 6,000 years of history.Throughrich art experiences, centered on historic andcontemporaryartworks, the museum unlocks the past for visitors,bringing art tolife and serving as a catalyst for new art, newcreativity and newthinking.
Clinton Presidential Center 2.1.4
Acoustiguide Inc.
This app offers a unique exploration of President Bill Clinton'slife and work.
The Power of Pictures 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
The Jewish Museum's app offers thehighlightsof the exhibition "Power of Pictures: Early SovietPhotography,Early Soviet Film." Through the app we’ll explore howearlymodernist photography influenced a new Soviet style ofimagemaking, and how Soviet artists harnessed photography, filmandposter art to disseminate Communist ideology. This app contains32minutes of commentary and discussion by the Museum's directorandvarious experts.
Richmond Olympic Experience 1.1.3
Acoustiguide Inc.
The Richmond Olympic Experience (ROX) app delivers a complete audiotour of the ROX exhibition at the Richmond Olympic Oval, includinginsightful commentary from VANOC CEO John Furlong, Olympic Medalistand local Richmond athlete Darcy Marquardt Hortness, and ParalympicMedalist Trevor Hirschfield. Take a peek inside the Olympic Games,learn the stories behind the artefacts and discover the Journey ofTransformation an athlete takes as they strive to achieve theirpodium dreams. The ROX is a dynamic visitor experience thatcelebrates the Olympic Spirit, evokes memories of the 2010 Olympicand Paralympic Winter Games, features Richmond's role as an OlympicVenue City and tells the story of sport in Richmond. The Oval'sthree floors of gallery space offers museum displays, interactivemedia and hands-on sport simulations. The ROX hopes to inspire youto always pursue your dreams—as an athlete, at work, in life.
Adirondack Museum Audio Tour 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Discover more about the place you love. Enjoy narratives fromAdirondackers.
Isaac Mizrahi 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Isaac Mizrahi: An Unruly History at theJewishMuseum of New York is the first museum survey of theinfluentialAmerican fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi, marking threedecades ofhis highly creative, ever-evolving, interdisciplinarycareer.Mizrahi was born in 1961 raised by a Jewish family inBrooklyn, NewYork. Beginning with his first collection in 1986 andrunningthrough the present day, the exhibition weaves together themyriadthreads of Mizrahi’s prolific output, juxtaposing his workinfashion, theater, film, and television.On view March 18 - August 7, 2016, the exhibition featuresover50 fashion looks plus an originally produced multisensoryvideohighlighting Mizrahi’s creative process. Together theyshowcase theextraordinary spectrum of his designs, productions,andpartnerships.This app includes audio that features interviews withdesignerIsaac Mizrahi, Chee Pearlman, the exhibition's guestcurator anddesign journalist; Kelly Taxter, Assistant Curator atthe JewishMuseum; Amy Fine Collins, fashion journalist and longtimefriend ofIsaac's; and Mark Morris, choreographer.Isaac Mizrahi: An Unruly HistoryThe Jewish Museum, New York1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd StreetNew York, NY 10128
Neue Galerie New York 1.4.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Neue Galerie New York is a museum devoted to early 20th-centuryGerman and Austrian art and design. The collection features artfrom Vienna circa 1900, exploring the special relationship thatexisted between the fine arts (of Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, OskarKokoschka, Richard Gerstl, and Alfred Kubin), the decorative arts(created at the Wiener Werkstätte by such well-known figures asJosef Hoffmann, Koloman Moser, and Dagobert Peche), and bycelebrated architects (such as Adolf Loos, Joseph Urban, and OttoWagner). The German art collection represents various movements ofthe early 20th century: the Blaue Reiter and its circle (VasilyKandinsky, Paul Klee, August Macke, Franz Marc, Gabriele Münter);the Brücke (Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Hermann MaxPechstein, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff); the Bauhaus (Lyonel Feininger,Paul Klee, László Moholy-Nagy, Oskar Schlemmer); the NeueSachlichkeit (Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, ChristianSchad); as well as applied arts from the German Werkbund (PeterBehrens) and the Bauhaus (Marianne Brandt, Marcel Breuer, LudwigMies van der Rohe, Wilhelm Wagenfeld). Special temporaryexhibitions rotate in the galleries throughout the year.
Mill Mile-Paterson Nat'l Park 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
At the Great Falls in Paterson, New Jersey,spectacular natural beauty and American history come together atthe heart of one of America’s newest national parks.For many Americans, the idea of a national park evokes the likesof Yellowstone, Yosemite, or the Grand Canyon. And like them, thisnational park features a spectacular natural wonder, the GreatFalls of the Passaic River, one of the nation’s most powerfulwaterfalls.But the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park is aboutmore than natural beauty. It’s about the urban experience: locatedright in the center of a city of some 150,000 residents, less than15 miles from Manhattan. It’s about the human spirit, and the manyimmigrants who came to this country to build a better life fortheir families. It’s about perseverance, and men and womenovercoming incredible odds. It’s about America, and our nation’srise to become the world’s greatest manufacturing power.Download Mill Mile, the gritty city self-guided walking tour ofthe Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park, and follow newsanchor Brian Williams, NFL star Victor Cruz, Pulitzer Prize-winningnovelist Junot Díaz, and a diverse mix of Paterson youth,historians, and public figures as they guide you through the city’srich history and vibrant present. You’ll even hear a bit of poetry,salsa, and rap, too.The Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park is one of ournewest national parks, and much of it is still in the planningstage. But there’s still plenty to see now—beginning with theawesome power of the Great Falls itself. So download Mill Mile, andlet’s get started!
NGA - Gustave Caillebotte 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
This App accompanies the National Gallery of Art exhibition GustaveCaillebotte.
Seduction & Printer's Eye Tour 1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enjoy a multimedia tour of twoexhibitions,"Seduction: Japan’s Floating World" and The "Printer’sEye: Ukiyo-efrom the Grabhorn Collection" (February 20–May 10,2015). LauraAllen, the museum’s curator of Japanese art, along withrenownedscholars of Japanese art, Melinda Takeuchi, Timon ScreechandLaurence Kominz, will be your personal guides on thisexplorationof the complex and alluring art of Japan’s floatingworld.In Edo Period Japan (1615–1868), the phrase “floating world”evokeda pleasure-seeking way of life, free from everydayobligations.These two simultaneous exhibitions explore the floatingworldthrough more than 110 objects dating back to the 17thcentury.While "Seduction" features items meant largely for theupperclass—including paintings, kimonos and a 58-foot-longscrollimagining a visit Japan’s most famous pleasure quarter inrichdetail—"The Printer's Eye" focuses on a rarely seen assemblageofexquisite Japanese woodblock prints.Use the app to look deeper and unlock the coded scenes intheseelaborate artworks. See them as their original audience mighthaveonce seen them, while considering the complicated intersectionofart, desire and industry.Take control of your exhibition experience by using the app to:• Access exclusive content• Gain insight from leading scholars on more than 25notableartworks• Locate an object by inputting the stop number, keyword search,orbrowse the full list• Live Tweet your museum experience or share the highlightsonsocial mediaAbout the MuseumThe Asian Art Museum–Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian ArtandCulture is one of San Francisco's premier arts institutionsandhome to a world-renowned collection of more than 18,000 Asianarttreasures spanning 6,000 years of history. Through richartexperiences, centered on historic and contemporary artworks,theAsian Art Museum unlocks the past for visitors, bringing arttolife and serving as a catalyst for new art, new creativity andnewthinking.
Glackens - MOAFL 1.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
"William GlackensFebruary 23, 2014 – June 1, 2014This is the first comprehensive survey of the artist in over45yearsNSU Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale announces William Glackens,thefirst comprehensive exhibition since 1966 of this keyAmericanartist. William Glackens is organized and presentedincollaboration with the Parrish Art Museum and theBarnesFoundation, where the exhibition will also travel. The showspansthe artist’s career, with works from the mid-1890s to thelate1930s. Glackens’s oeuvre will be examined through more than 85ofthe most important paintings and works on paper from someofAmerica's finest private and public collections, includingtheCleveland Museum of Art, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the FineArtsMuseums of San Francisco, the Metropolitan Museum of Art,theNational Gallery of Art, the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art,andthe Whitney Museum of American Art, among others. Severalworkswill be on view to the public for the first time since 1966.Thislong-overdue survey will introduce the artist to a newgenerationof viewers and aims to further scholarship on thispivotal figurein the history of American art.Curated by noted independent writer and art historianAvisBerman, the exhibition focuses on Glackens’s most distinctiveandadventurous works to present the full breadth of hisoeuvre.“Glackens combined an enchanting zest for life with anarsenal ofsophisticated techniques. Yet, with no comprehensivesurvey of hiswork in nearly fifty years, a thorough reassessment ofthis keyfigure in American art is long overdue. This exhibitiontakes amuch-needed look at the artist’s estimable career andreveals himas a modern artist of ambition and spirit,” Bermanstates about theartist and the exhibition.This exhibition explores the wide range of motifs thatrunthroughout Glackens’s work. In addition to a fascination fortheurban spectacle of New York City, a love for travel led himtosunny landscapes and shorelines. A gifted painter and draftsman,healso successfully mastered portraits, figure studies andstilllifes, all genres that will be presented in the exhibition.Theaudio tour will feature commentary from Avis Berman,JudithDolkart, Alicia Longwell, Lewis B. and Dorothy CullmanChiefCurator at the Parrish Art MuseumNSU Museum of Art’s current holdings include more than 500worksthat cover the full spectrum of Glackens’s career andrepresent thelargest collection of his work. More than two-dozenpaintings,drawings and prints from NSU Museum of Art’s collectionwill beincorporated in this comprehensive exhibition. The audiotour willfeature commentary by Avis Berman, Judith Dolkart, theDeputyDirector of Art and Archival Collections and Gund FamilyChiefCurator at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, andAliciaLongwell, Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chief Curator at theParrishArt Museum."
The Logan Hotel Art Tour 1.1.3
Acoustiguide Inc.
Peek into our collection of locally curated art pieces.
Museum of Nebraska Art 1.2.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Discover the story behind the art of Nebraska
MTL Holocaust Museum 1.2.4
Acoustiguide Inc.
Discover the history of the Holocaust from those who survived it.
Divine Bodies in Asian Art 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Audio tour of "Divine Bodies" at the Asian Art Museum, SF, 3/9/18 -7/29/18.
Slater Memorial Museum 1.1.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Located on the campus of Norwich Free Academy, the SlaterMuseumawakens visitors to the richness and diversity of thehumanexperience through art and history. For more than onehundredyears, the Museum has displayed and interpreted the bestexamplesof fine and decorative art, representing a broad range ofworldcultures of the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa.
Rama Epic Tour 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Enjoy an audio tour of The Rama Epic: Hero, Heroine, Ally, Foeatthe Asian Art Museum on view at the Asian Art Museum ofSanFrancisco from October 21, 2016 through January 15, 2017. Oneofthe world’s greatest works of literature, the Rama epic teemswithexcitement and, for many, is a sacred tradition. Thisunprecedentedexhibition explores how the epic has been portrayedand performedacross South and Southeast Asia over the past 1,500years.Exquisite artworks from museums in the U.S. and Europeilluminatethe story’s key characters, revealing fresh perspectiveson moralquandaries that continue to be relevant to our livestoday.Following the unique format of our exhibition, this audiotourplunges you into the experiences of the four main charactersinthis sweeping saga. As you view the dramatic artworks, listentothe characters—warmly voiced by masterful narrators—describetheheartache and triumphs they experienced in those very scenes.Enterthe Rama epic through this audio tour, and let thestorytellingengulf you. Enhance your exhibition experience by usingthe app to:• Access exclusive content • Gain insight from leadingscholars on25 notable artworks • Locate an object by inputting thestopnumber, searching by keyword or browsing the full list • LiveTweetyour museum experience or share the highlights on socialmediaAbout the Museum The Asian Art Museum is one of SanFrancisco'spremier arts institutions and home to a world-renownedcollectionof more than 18,000 Asian art treasures spanning 6,000years ofhistory. Through rich art experiences, centered on historicandcontemporary artworks, the Asian Art Museum unlocks the pastforvisitors, bringing art to life and serving as a catalyst fornewart, new creativity and new thinking.
Illinois Holocaust Museum 1.2.3
Acoustiguide Inc.
Audio tour of Illinois Holocaust Museum
CouplandTO 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
Douglas Coupland: everywhere is anywhere is anything iseverythingHear the artist, curator and catalogue contributors speakabout theworks in the exhibition at The Royal Ontario Museum andthe Museumof Contemporary Canadian Art. View images of works intheexhibition ranging from sculptures, paintings, photographsandinstallations including Coupland's publicallyinteractive,social-sculpture Gumhead.
The Rubin 1.3.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
Explore the rich history of the Rubin's artwork and tour stunningexhibitions.
Asian Art Museum SF 1.6.1
Acoustiguide Inc.
Your guide to over 6,000 years of Asian art and culture.
Rodin Museum 1.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
The Rodin Museum Opened to the public in 1929 in a beautifulBeauxArts building on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the RodinMuseumhouses some 140 works in bronze, marble and plaster by thegreatFrench sculptor Auguste Rodin. A gift to the cityfromphilanthropist and movie theatre magnate Jules Mastbaum, theMuseumoffers one of the most comprehensive collections of theartist’swork outside Paris. This application presents thirty-onesculpturesby Rodin with audio and visual information on theobjects, theartist and the Museum in Philadelphia. Information ispresented bya museum curator, conservator and architecturalhistorian. Pinchscreen technology allows for extreme close up viewsof each object.Users can select objects a random, follow one ofthree relatedthemes, share experiences through social media, andcontribute tothe Museum’ s online presence through photo sharing.The RodinMuseum, Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin Parkway at 22ndStreetPhiladelphia, PA 19130 Category views, numeric keypad entryand thekeyword search function enable you to access the tour anywayyouwish.
Mill Mile-Paterson Great Falls 1.2.2
Acoustiguide Inc.
Self-guided walking tour of the Paterson Great Falls NationalHistorical Park
Neue Galerie- Degenerate Art 1.4
Acoustiguide Inc.
"Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany, 1937"isthe first major museum exhibition in the United States inovertwenty years devoted to the infamous display of modernartofficially condemned by the Nazis. In the 1930s, theNationalSocialists adopted the term ""degenerate"" for theircampaignagainst modern art. They seized thousands of works frommuseums andcollections throughout Germany. A selection of thesewere works puton display in Munich in July 1937. The showsubsequently traveledfor three years throughout Germany andAustria. Millions of peoplewere said to have seen it, making it themost popular travelingshow ever assembled. This exhibition opens bycomparing works thatwere included in the government sponsored"Great German ArtExhibition", comprised of artwork approved by theNazis to theinfamous show in Munich. An adjacent gallery addressthe complexcareers of Ernst Barlach and Emil Nolde, artists whowere initiallyapproved by some Nazi officials and later judged"degenerate". Onemajor gallery examines the city of Dresden as animportant artcenter in Germany. The German Expressionist artists'group Brückewas founded here in 1905. The Nazis staged what theytermed"exhibitions of shame", which served as precursors tothe"Degenerate Art" show, one of which was held in Dresden.TheBauhaus was also a target of the Nazis and the school wasshutteredfor good in 1933. Key faculty of the Bauhaus were targetsand manyfled the country. The final gallery addresses the theme ofexileand emigration as many artists chose or were forced tofleeGermany. This application features audio interviews withtheexhibition’s curator, Dr. Olaf Peters, and commentary fromtheDirector of the Neue Galerie New York, Renée Price. DegenerateArt:The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany, 1937 is on view at:NeueGalerie New York 1048 Fifth Avenue at 86th Street, New York,NY10028 March 13 – June 30, 2014
Berlin Metropolis: 1918-1933 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
"Berlin Metropolis: 1918-1933" accompanies a major museumexhibitiondedicated to Weimar Berlin. Through paintings,drawings,architecture, film, fashion, and music, the exhibitionexploresdiverse topics, including the rise of the spectacle; theprevalenceof advertising; the rise of the New Woman; and theintersection ofart and power. Around 400 works are on display,organized into fivethematic groupings: The Birth of the Republic; ANew Utopia; TheNew Woman; The Crisis of Modernity; and Into theAbyss. Theapplication features audio interviews with theexhibition'scurator, Dr. Olaf Peters, and commentary from RenéePrice, directorof Neue Galerie New York. Berlin Metropolis:1918-1933 is on viewat Neue Galerie New York 1048 Fifth Avenue at86th Street, NewYork, NY 10028 October 1, 2015-January 4, 2016.
30 Americans
Acoustiguide Inc.
The DIA 30 Americans app offers a tour of selected work in theexhibition.
NGNY: Munch & Expressionism 1.0
Acoustiguide Inc.
"Munch & Expressionism" accompanies a major museumexhibitionthat examines Edvard Munch's influence on his German andAustriancounterparts. The show offers a compelling new study oftheNorwegian artist, whose work The Scream has become a symbolofmodern angst. Through paintings, drawings, and printstheexhibition explores dark themes, including alienation, sin,andhuman vulnerability. This exhibition is the first thorough studyofthe artist's work in the context of his German and Austrianpeers.The approixmately 85 works are on display have been selectedtocompare how Munch and his German and Austriancontemporariesaddressed key themes such as adolescence, urbananxiety,self-portraiture, landscapes and experimental printmaking .Theapplication features audio interviews with theexhibition'scurator, Dr. Jill Lloyd, and commentary from RenéePrice, directorof Neue Galerie New York. Munch & Expressionismis on view atNeue Galerie New York 1048 Fifth Avenue at 86thStreet, New York,NY 10028 18 February-13 June 2016.
A Walk Through Gilded NY
Acoustiguide Inc.
Take a walk through Gilded-Era New York with actress Grace Gummeras your guide.